Sunday, July 3, 2016

Does it really work? : How to remove tough stains from your Beauty Sponges


Eid is just around the corner. I guess it is kind of impossible to not look fresh and good in the morning right? Especially when you are out to visit your family and friends. We will be very busy during the whole month celebrating Eid. 

But before anything else, i would love to remind you girls, not to forget to clean all your brushes before you apply your makeup. It is so important for the sake of cleanliness. Since Beauty sponges are quite famous these days, i bet all of you girls are using it too. I have been cleaning my beauty sponges lots of times but the stains just wouldn't go away. I started to worry that my sponges are actually not that clean and Eid is just around the corner, i don't want to have any break outs and nasty stuffs on my face. 

I decided to google-ed and youtube-ed for some tricks and tips on how to remove stains from your beauty blender instead of using the original Beauty Blender's Bleandercleanser, It is not that pricey but if there is any other way or cheaper way, i would love to try and make it as a routine.

I found few tips on how to remove stains from your beauty sponges naturally. Some of them used Olive Oil. But in my case, i don't have any. I decided to use Coconut Oil instead. Does it really work? Can i change my beauty sponges from 'Euw?!' to 'Yay!' ? Here's a step by step on how to achieve a squeaky clean beauty sponges! 

I seldom go to events and weddings. The only time i will be wearing makeup is to the
office. Sometimes i just wear no makeup at all. Basically, those are the only brushes that
i used. So let's line the up!

I used a shower gel and my trusted extra virgin coconut oil that you can get from any local drugstores. I did however, asked Anne about this. She used Life Buoy in yellow to clean all of her brushes and baby shampoo. But since i am using dove, i might as well just use that instead. 

Euw! Not gonna put that on my face! Remember to clean your brushes and
sponge to avoid break-outs, acnes and pimple, guys. Especially for a sensitive skin!

Wet your beauty sponges. In my case, i am using Real Techniques' Miracle 
Complexion Sponge. It is in orange. So you can clearly see if there is any stains
or old makeup on your sponge. Avoid buying the black ones because you will
never know how dirty your sponges are.

Apply the extra virgin coconut oil on the stains.

Press your beauty sponges until all of the foundations are out. 
Just a little pressure one at time to avoid your sponges tearing up.
Look at all the foundations. Euw!

After you finally remove all the oil and stains, continue the same step with 
any shower gel or shampoo you wish to use.

To make sure your sponges are actually clean, take a look at the small bubbles.
Make sure it is finally white and no color.

Leave it to dry and Tadaaaa, it looks extremely like brand new!

I'm kinda happy that i finally found a way (cheaper way) to remove stains from my sponges! Finally! I can't wait to try few makeup looks for this coming Eid! 

Dalam sibuk membuat persiapan raya, jangan lupa bersihkan makeup brushes, okay? (Tetiba Bahasa Melayu balik. Haha!)

That is all for this entry. I hope i can share more tricks, tips and beauty hacks with your girls soon!

Still choosing my eye shadow color,


  1. finally its a yay! i dont have any make-up brushes since i didnt use any make up. but i do think that the compact powders sponges should be clean too.

  2. bagusnyaaa. if i wear makeup mesti asyik pakai buang huhu

  3. I'm so in love with your blog template...
    so it!

    btw i dont have collection of brushes...its heaven for makeup lover right...

    & nice tips on how to remove stains from sponge =]


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